In a recent study people that live in apartment complexes overwhelmingly agreed that they would rather have apartment storage solutions where they live than not. Who could blame them? Most people in the United States have extra stuff that they don’t use all of the time and need an extra little space to store the things so that they are out of sight when they are not in use.
Many of the renters that were asked about having an on-site storage solution said that they would be willing to pay upwards of $100 extra each month in order to have a convenient, safe place to store their property.
What is more interesting is that many of the renters said that they would not choose an apartment complex to live in if it did not have storage if they had to move. Some, even said they are in the process of moving to an apartment complex that has storage.
Problems With No Storage Amenities
It is not a surprise that when apartment complexes do not have a secure storage facility in place on the premises there tend to be problems. As we mentioned above, just about everybody has extra property that they only use occasionally. For example, the holiday tree and decorations that are only brought out once a year. Other things like fans, tents, fishing poles, certain tools, and whatnot. It is all stuff that may not be appropriate to store in the middle of the living room.
People will use what they have and be creative about where they store it. Some apartment complexes that have indoor hallways can get filled up with extra stuff that the renters store here “temporarily.” This not only causes clutter, but it looks awful. Other renters will utilize the space that they have at the top of their parking space to store extra belongings. Still, others will use the tiny balcony space that they have to stuff unused property into and cause problems.
Whether it is in the hallways, on the balconies, or at the head of their parking spaces the extra property that is stored there not only looks bad but can become dangerous. From fire hazards to being an attractor of thieves unsecured storage that is left out in the open is problematic. Both for the tenants and the building owners.
The Plus Sides of Storage in Apartments
There are many plusses for adding storage bins to an apartment complex. One of the biggest ones is that the renters would much rather live in a place that they can store their extra stuff on site. If a property owner was to install a fresh set of storage boxes or bins to their complex they could immediately shift the money that their renters are already paying off-site storage facilities from the self-storage places into their own bank accounts. Some of the upsides of installing storage into an apartment complex are:
- Renters prefer it
- Removes clutter
- Repels thieves
- Makes it safer
- Looks better
- Higher revenue returns
- Better tenants
In all truth, when a multifamily apartment complex is filled with happy people it makes a better life for everybody. The good-paying renters will be more prone to stay and continue to pay rent on time every month as opposed to looking for a better place to live.
From solving security issues to making the whole place look much better it is a win-win for everybody…not to mention that when prospective renters come to look at the place they will see a great-looking safe place to live.
Out of all of the possible amenities that an apartment could have to offer its tenants, nice, clean secure storage lockers is one of the best. It cleans the place up, and practically pays for itself.